Post-Draft Rankings - For Real This Time

The first week is right around the corner and knowing some of you, that means you haven't touched the ice or put on the skates since Hillary won the popular vote. Here are some tips to get your ready. 

1. Toss your significant other the workout clothes you surprisingly bought her that day and tell her to go get them on.  When she comes out ready to go running you explain to her that hockey burns more calories and you hand her your Sherwood T90 that you wouldn't be seen dead with on the ice and tell her to start feeding you one timers. 

2. Nutrition, nutrition, nutrition. If you are like the majority of the population you hate consuming boring old carrots, pears and apples the traditional way. Try fermenting them.  Maybe NSFW, but I dont think so. 

3. Be young. 

Now for the rankings.

  1. YELLOW Team - Great draft, Mosey all the way to last sessions playoff breakout player Boz. A knock on the team though is that Kopesky has never won a Championship while being a father of 3.  A team drafted based on all players who will pass first and shoot second. Hopefully no one just shadows Gator, would be a real shame.  
  2. ORANGE Team - The only team that feels like it was drafted like an actual hockey team, built from the net out.  Benik, protected by Volk and shot blockerless Brand who are passing up to forward Liebs and Bobby. This team already has me cutting up some orange slices getting ready to ferment 9 to 5. 
  3. GREEN Team - Add R. Malone and this team would be #1 in the rankings.  I am predicting a slow start for the Green, Phil was in out of town last week for work which means he didn't train, that might put their team chemistry out of wack. Expect to see Mikish in the Top 3 goalies this year with those large bodies in front blocking shots.
  4.  BLACK Team - Brausen - youngish. Brown - young. Anderson - young looking. Haider - medium young. Grant - young pads.  A team soley drafted on youth, lets see how this goes. 
  5. BLUE Team - Great players, Great goalie, horrible color choice. If you look at the past seasons, teams wearing Blue have finished at the bottom of the standings no matter whom is on the team.