Week 1 - In the Book

  1. GREEN - Nobody is shocked by this fast start by the Green team. BUT, I spoke to a Doctor who did tell me off the record that “At their age they should be conserving energy and maybe taking some weeks off to rest their legs because this is a long season.” I am predicting another 4-0 week by this versed team.
  2. YELLOW - Six goals in four games isn’t going to win many games but Wong stood on his head and lead them to a two win week with only three guys. Rumor is that Kopesky is going to be gone for a second week in a row, will Captain Gator bring in a sub? I would use the sublist and go immediately to the S’s.
  3. BLUE - Two wins and only one Johnson? If my math is right two Johnsons should be four wins. Great looking team so far with Postell holding down the backend so the forwards can do their magic(not back check).
  4. BLACK - Two shootout loses and Brausen is in your team? Could have been a 3-1 week but instead it is the dreaded 1-3.  This young team has a lot of learning to do. If you are betting for top scorer for next week - Haider is the dark horse.
  5. ORANGE - Rough start for orange but I just saw Lieb’s picture on the scores page with a full head of hair. That hair screams 4-0, gotta stop shaving your head and grow that out, no more high and tights!