Power Rankings People I want to get 3 Star Beers Tonight:

  1. Bobby T - Just all around a pleasure to watch work. Much like Tim the tool man Taylor grunting and talking he is must watch with the family.

  2. Mikey - Seeing him stand up and those bare hairless calves in full sight raise the hairs on the back of my neck. He is most likely going to get a beer for missing an open net(I would miss it too).

  3. Brodhag - Probably should get a beer for being a complete beast this weekend and putting the puck in the net numerous times but he should get one because I was leaving the bar and he goes "Going to a birthday party?"

  4. Brodhag again - for the above reason.

  5. Kogler - No one gave him a beer for wearing a sunshirt in Jamacia. A sunshirt?!!

  6. Max - Winning the golden shovel and beating Dans team in the championship. I know none of us would do that to Dan, we have to much respect for him.