2019-20 Winter Pre-Season Power Rankings: LETTS GO!

All is forgiven - we have power rankings!!

There is lots to talk about in this first weeks power ranking and none of it has to do with the teams playing tonight.    Let me set the stage for the events of the draft that occurred and the re-draft that you all have heard about on social media.   As noted on twitter it was determined by an independent outside investigation that there was tampering with the draft, and here is a summary of what the report said about the events that day. 


The first draft occurred on October 26th at approximately 2 pm central time and all captains, the commissioner and a rookie were in attendance.   This draft was conducted as anticipated and the draft positions were determined however despite what was said on twitter, it was determined that the tampering and corruptness was caused by a person who will go by the code name “Potty” so his identity will be protected.    “Potty” was in charge of setting up the post season party for the summer season of Greasy Mitts 2019 season and “Potty” failed to coordinate the draft party, tried to change locations, and even got the concert dates wrong.   As a result, it was the lowest attendance ever at the post-season party where the draft was conducted and with not enough eyes there to observe the process, a spy was able to access and manipulate the draft process so the Board based on the outside investigation determined a redraft was necessary to correct the corruption ultimately caused by  “Potty” as it never would have happened if more people were there to keep an eye on the process.


Now onto the second draft, where a threesome occurred via facetime to re-pick the draft order and pairings.   During the second draft we had our first ever filibuster by the Blue teams captain who drafted two goalies, with the intent of forcing a trade with team Gray who would now not be able to pick a goalie.   This draft strategy caused the draft to stall for almost two hours until the captains decided based on a vote of 4-2 that drafting two goalies was against the bylaws and he was forced to re-pick.  The outside investigation looked into this tampering attempt in the second draft and determined that “Potty” and Team Blue’s captain were conspiring together to swing the draft outcome, however the captains stepped into to right the ship.  

Anyways, with all of the chaos and craziness, now onto the power rankings….


  1. Gray team, with a little bit of luck in the draft, team gray is poised to be the first team ever to not lose a game this season. 

  2. Does it matter, no one can beat gray.


That is it for the power rankings, however I will remind you of one thing.   Remember the Tampa Bay Lightning team from the 2018-19 NHL season, who arguably were one of the best teams ever assembled, and still managed to get swept in the first round of the playoffs.  With five other teams in the Greasy Mitts 2019-20 winter season the question remains as to who will be spoiler to step up and sweep Gray in the first round of the playoffs.   Stay tuned as the season gets started tonight   Good luck to all teams and congrats to Gray for winning the regular season championship already.